Flower Essence Recommendations by Doris Muna

Condition: Flower Essence Recommendation:
Feeling unloved or sad Rose; Beauty; Orchids; Geranium
Needing protection Santos; Elements
Feeling of overwhelm Nasturtium; Ashkara; Geranium
Need to move forward boldly OakElements
Need Spiritual support Ashkara; Grace IPneuvma; Manitoulin,
Going through Relationship discord Rose; Reconciliation; Geranium
Experiencing Hormonal imbalance Geranium; Rock Rose
Need Grounding and centering Nasturtium; Grace II ; Elements; Oak; Rock Rose; Yarrow
Childhood/ Sexual abuse Pine; Reconciliation;
Lacking Female Goddess Energy Rose; Geranium; Beauty; Orchids;
Need Wisdom or Vision Ashkara; Manitoulin; Elements; Pneuvma
Grieving loss Yarrow; Reconciliation; Rose
Yearning for Peace Ashkara;
General Chakra and Meridian Balancer Magnificent Seven; Pets: Pet Aura spray
Cleansing or Protection from negative vibes Aura Spray; Best Spray Ever;